Monday, February 4, 2008

Comparing Sharpo To Columbo

Comparing Sharpo To Columbo

I am often compared to Columbo when I play Detective Sharp in Sharpo!&reg Mysteries. I am very flattered by the comparison but I clearly am not a Columbo impersonator. I do not dress in Columbo's drab raincoat and clothing. Instead I wear black Dickies pants and black shirt and red tie - until I reveal that I am the investigator. Then I switch to CSI Cap and shirt. In Sharpo Murder Mystery Shows, CSI means "Call Sharpo In". Unlike Columbo, I do not smoke a cigar. I also do not have the great shock of black (Gray) hair and I rarely talk about my relatives in my show, except when I mention my incredibly wonderful wife.

So how am I actually like Columbo and why do people always say I remind them of Columbo in my show?

Well, like Columbo, I am very polite to people - most of the time - using lots of "Sirs" and "Ma'ams" when I address people. I am always apologizing for interrupting the party and I ask a lot of intrusive questions - all in my character's sincere desire to solve the mystery. The interesting part of all of this is that I have done this role this way since I first played the detective in 1989 in a small murder mystery troupe in New Jersey - and at that time I had never even seen a Columbo episode on TV. When I did finally see an episode of Columbo in the early 90s' I said "This guy stole my act!" Of course, the great Peter Falk had been playing Columbo since, what, 1968? I would have been 2 years old! I have, since then, watched just about every single Columbo episode dozens of times and I am proudly and profoundly influenced by Peter Falk in my work. I have boldly used body language and gestures in parody that are very "Columbo-esque" and the audience loves it, but I will be the first to say that no one alive could do it better than the original. Knowing that, I strive to make Detective Sharp unique in as many ways as possible. Still, if they ever give me my own detective show on TV, I won't run from the comparison. Instead I will make sure that my character displays Peter Falk's picture in his police locker or displays a framed picture of Columbo on his desk.

Over the years I have grown with my detective role, as any decent actor would and must do in order to keep doing the show, and to keep it fresh and exciting for audiences. I have come to love drawing upon many influences, including Abbott and Costello who's voices creep into my head when I do my 3 Card Monte routine while mingling undercover. Other greats that are invoked through my performance include Jackie Gleason, Art Carney, William Shatner, and Adam West's


Sometimes, in a show, when someone from the crowd calls me Columbo, I know they hear it in my voice or in a gesture, but other times I realize that they are just telling me that they love interacting and being in a murder mystery show. They recognize that Peter Falk tapped into something universal with his character and that essence is now synonymous with the entire mystery genre.

So, Columbo always says “Just One More Thing” as he re enters the scene to the villain’s dismay and the audience’s delight. What does Sharpo say? I don’t think about catchphrases much, but quite often in the cocktail party of my murder mystery, people ask me how I’m doing and the answer is always the same. I reply, “I’m living it up”. People laugh at that.